British Values Resource Download Pack
On July 1st, 2015, the government made it law that all education establishments and early years settings across the United Kingdom have a duty to keep children and adults safe from harm and from the potentials of radicalisation. Settings also have a duty to promote the welfare of each child, as required by law to ‘have regard to preventing people being drawn into terrorism.’ (PSED, UW).
Early years settings must meet specific legal duties (which are set out in the Prevent Duty: England and Wales, Prevent Duty: Scotland, and Prevent Duty: Protecting Children from Radicalisation). It is essential that you plan and implement activities, discussion points, and displays in conjunction with the Prevent Duty guidance and any training that you have undertaken. (PSED, UW, CL,)
We all know that values that we share as UK citizens are universally accepted, and this is why it is imperative to ensure that the children in our care are exposed to such values on a daily basis. Our resource pack enables you to explore such values. It addresses them with the children, encourages thinking and ultimately provides children with an understanding of compassion, consideration, and tolerance of living in a free, equal and fair society.
Our pack allows you to demonstrate these values as you can incorporate the resources with the activities and routines that you are already doing. Through the EYFS, through your policies and procedures, behaviour management and your safeguarding policies and initiatives you can quickly demonstrate your understanding of British Values.
The pack will help you focus in on the children’s personal, social and emotional development. You can support children to think about how they belong in a community, how they react and interact with other people. Our flashcards are a perfect resource that enables the initiation of circle time, discussion points, sustained shared thinking and of course role-playing!